Bible Verse Series - Mixed Media
"Psalm 34:5 tells us to look to Him and be radiant so your faces shall never be ashamed.”
Shame is a very common feeling for sexual abuse survivors. Often when we are abused as children, our minds cannot comprehend that someone we love and trust would treat us that way so we place the blame of the abuse on ourselves that we must have done something to cause it to happen.
Then we feel shame. That we don’t deserve anything good. That we should be punished for causing something so bad to happen. But His Word tells that we can look to God and be radiant- shining, happy, joyful and we have no need to feel shame anymore, ever again, never. Life has struggles and past abuse brings extra difficulties.
But I have made the choice that no matter what comes, I will trust in the Lord and remain faithful to His promises that He has a plan of sheer goodness for me. I hold the vision of a hope and a future. A life of happiness, health and abundance. No matter what I see with my eyes, I believe with faith His promises. "