My name is Marianne and this year I have 5 pieces of artwork that either reflect my own journey or those of the many clients I have seen in therapy over the past 20 years. I’m a mental health therapist and have had the opportunity and or privilege to help many women and men go through the process of trauma recovery. Recovery in trauma is very much like grief and is a process very unique to each individual. Sexual abuse, physical abuse, drug abuse, mental and emotional abuse is what human trafficking is about on so many different levels. Human Trafficking is all around you even when you may not be aware of this great evil.
Reclaim13 brings an awareness to our community that we may not like, but never the less human trafficking travesties occur. It is up to you, and it is up to me to notice what may be happening around you right in your own community to those who may be stuck in their situation where they see no way out. Human trafficking is real.
You can read the latest facts on human trafficking statistics on-line as it changes daily. What doesn’t change is what human trafficking does to the human soul of its many victims. Many of the pieces you see here today will reflect what it means to feel free as a survivor, they will reflect the GREAT courage it takes to look within to allow the human mind and soul to heal. We believe in a God who restores mind, body, and spirit. Without that hope in HIM we have nothing! And that is what we are about at Reclaim13 bringing:
My artwork on display however, are raw pictorials that demonstrates heartache, confusion, horror, pain, shame, and desperation. We heal on many levels from what is seen from the outside like bruises and cuts but what does not always heal as quickly are the hidden bruises and wounds that are layered time and time again in human trafficking. This artwork reflects this!