
Beauty from Ashes

Through my art, I specifically wanted to capture how even after abuse, healing and beauty can still be found, as this is the narrative I have seen in my own life. The sculpture of the woman with wings is titled, "Beauty From Ashes", and represents myself breaking free from the chains of bondage, and rising from a bed of ashes, similarly to how a phoenix rises and is rebirthed after being consumed by fire. The three abstract pieces are titled, birth, death, and rebirth, and are likewise inspired by a phoenix overcoming. The poem written on the pedestal is a piece I wrote after abuse, to process my experience. Previously, I was abused for many years where I was repeatedly raped, manipulated, and psychologically abused, and I was unable to get away from my abuser. I was trapped in a cycle for a long time, where myself and the abuse was hidden, and my voice was silenced. Upon finding freedom, I began to process my story through poetry and art, and I was able to reclaim my voice again. This piece captures the freedom I have found and the strength to rise again.